Women Outshine Men In Financial Decision Making

Married Women

Though many women try to save money when they are single, they lose control on it as soon as they get married. According to the report, about 77 percent of married women try to follow their spouse in making investment decisions.

Infact, financial planners say that, for many wives, investment decision does not go beyond listing out major home expenses.

According to Nitin Vyakaranam, CEO, Artha Yantra, a company that provides personal financial services, “We are seeing a change in how married women approach financial planning discussions. Earlier they were not so interested, but now they have started to dig deeper into our advice and they are the ones who ask the really tough questions.”

Deepali Sen, a Mumbai-based certified financial, said that “Men don’t really involve their wives in decision making.” Wherever possible, wife’s presence at the time of important discussion making is important, remarked Sen.

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