Why India's Rank Is Lowest In Human Development Index?

There are many reasons behind why India lags behind and one such reason among them are that, the country’s40 percent of individuals still suffer from ‘multi-dimensional poverty’. Secondly India also performs poorly on many indicators of inequality, in both absolute as well as relative terms and among all the gender inequality is the weakest area. .

When looked upon country’s education, the numbers are fairly poor and it does particularly bad on the equality front. But on the other hand the country seems to be catching up with the enrolment ratios at primary, secondary and tertiary levels.Also it is seen that on both education and health, the country spends somewhat less when compared to other medium category countries.

Other two factors that are particularly to be worried about are related to the environment for instance India which suffers from natural resource depletion at a rate that equals 4.9 percent of gross national income. When compared to India the figure for China is 6.1 percent and for medium category countries is 7.7 percent.

Growth is not considered to be sustainable for a country if it damages the environment simultaneously. For instance India draws 33.9 percent of its renewal water resources each year, compared to a Medium category average of 13.9 percent, and China’s figure of 19.5 percent and not to forget that damage to environment is not at all affecting the poor but also to the rich too.