'Transaction Declined': 7 Reasons-- Why and How?

You Want Dollars? Tell your bank:

You have always bought in rupees your bank is used to it. Any bank would be suspicious when they find that one sudden transaction is asked to be made in dollars. That again is bound to fail. Therefore give a heads-up to your credit card company before making any transaction through a different currency other than

Of Course there are Technological Reasons:

Technical issues are always there especially in Indian scenes. The new credit cards have in-built chips which need a PIN Number to clear the transaction. It could happen that this ‘new’ credit-card holder may use Point of Sales (PoS) machine that is out dated or might have forgotten the PIN or have not yet registered a PIN. Any of these could be reason for card declination.

Don’t Ever Give Any Wrong Data:

We are humans and we tend to forget things. But in case of a bank transaction that forgetfulness might cost you big. In case of an ATM entering a wrong pin is sure to decline the transaction. While in case of online transaction, entering wrong CVV, wrong 3D secure code can decline the transaction.

Also Read: 10 Reasons To Say No To New Credit Cards

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