Tips To Invest Smart And Earn Fame

Imposition Of Tax: In his recent Budget speech the honorable Finance Minister declared that hiding foreign assets related to income or illegals investments will be considered as a crime, and the tax evaders and investors are liable to be punished for imprisonment for 10 years.  

Hence, the investments made on foreign assets have to be disclosed to avoid such penalties. However gains and returns from domestic stocks exempted from tax impositions. If you have invested for foreign assets you can claim for indexation benefits to avoid tax net. Another way to avoid tax is by reinvesting in residential property purchases.

Benefits from Liberalized Remittance Scheme: The LRS allows investing in foreign share and mutual funds and purchase of property without RBI’s approval and covers remittances in terms of specific expenses. 

The LRS scheme offer a big opportunity to get product returns from the overseas investments. But if the RBI decides to bring down the limit for LRS then at any time then it will hurt the investors who have invested a huge sum expecting good returns under this scheme. So, it is good to invest safely considering the future turns and downs.

Global Stock Investments: ICICI Direct, Kotak securities and many other local brokers allow purchasing equities directly by opening a trading account. These trading platforms provide such facilities to the domestic investors by tying up with the foreign trading partners allow access to more than 36 exchanges.

Global Funds Investments: Investing for mutual funds has been always a great deal to get good returns. So, if you invest these mutual funds with international exposure then it will also benefit you by offering exciting returns. You can take the help of the schemes that will help you to access mutual funds in abroad.

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India Sending Right Messages On Non-Adversarial Tax Policy