The Vital Points To Check Before Buying A Home Loan

2. Get the Right Lender

There are many fraudulent companies which are floated by in

Many people become easy victims of mortgage fraud scams, identity thefts, fraud for profit and appraisal fraud.

Hence, it becomes all the more important that you avail the home loan from a trusted lender with proven credentials. Only get loans from reputable companies, and do not fall prey to the false advertising of fraudulent firms.

3. Check the fees included

Whilst the loan’s interest rate is an important consideration when investigating your loan, understanding fees can also make a sizeable difference to your repayments over the long term. Find out what fees are applicable to the loan/s you are enquiring about and if there are any penalty charges for specific events such as making a late payment, redrawing from your home loan, topping-ups, and/or exiting your loan.

Ensure you are clear on the upfront and ongoing fees as well. Fees can add up to hundreds if not thousands of dollars a year.