Swiss Money: India Slips To 70th Position; U.K. On Top

Fiduciaries are essentially wealth fund managers who hold the money of Indian private holders and families in the so-called numbered accounts.

The Swiss banks' direct liabilities towards clients from India include funds held in savings and deposit accounts by Indian individuals, financial institutions and corporates.

The data has been released at a time when Switzerland is facing growing pressure from the U.S. and other countries to share the foreign client details, while its own lawmakers are resisting such measures.

The funds, described by SNB as 'liabilities' of Swiss banks towards their clients from India, are the official figures disclosed by the Swiss authorities and do not indicate towards the quantum of the much-debated alleged black money held by Indians in the safe havens of Switzerland.

SNB's official figures do not include the money Indians or others might have in Swiss banks in the names of others. The sharp decline in Indian money in Swiss banks during 2012 followed a significant increase in the previous year, when such funds had risen for the first time in five years.

The quantum of funds held by Indians in Swiss banks stood at a record high level of 6.5 billion Swiss francs (over 41, 000 crore) at the end of 2006, but has declined by over five billion Swiss francs (over 32, 000 crore) since then.

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Source: PTI