Popular Movies That Teach About Money

4. Jerry Maguire

Movie Year – 1996

In this film about a dynamic sports agent on the rebound, Jerry learns to value people above money. His up and down path towards illumination, teaches him to respect others as well as himself and the value of proper business ethics. While dissimilar to some of the films on this list, the message of this film is that - there is more to life than money, and an important moment of self-awareness comes only when one realizes the value of their ability.

“Anyone else would have left you by now, but I'm sticking with you. And if I have to ride your ass like Zorro, you're gonna show me the money”……… “I wanna make sure you're ready, brother. Here it is: Show me the money. Oh-ho-ho! SHOW! ME! THE! MONEY! A-ha-ha! Jerry, doesn't it make you feel good just to say that! Say it with me one time, Jerry”…….. “Because it's not just the money I deserve. It's not just the “coin.” It's the... – “the kwan” – Rod Tidwell.