Mothers Day Special: 5 Money Lessons to Learn From Mom

Save your pennies:

Remember the concept of Piggy Bank? We all had one as children. If you remember she would have never let you spend all your pocket money at one go, that is when she taught you how to save money. Saving a part of what you earn makes it easier to avoid debt.

Know when to say no:

Your mom bought you a geometry box soon as you asked for it but she always said ‘NO’ for a pony. She knows what you ‘want’ and what you ‘need’. The ability to distinguish between needs and wants will save you the trouble of bankruptcy.

Take responsibility for your actions:

No one, but you are responsible for your actions. In case of any financial mishaps learn to take action rather than blaming it on the others. Mothers are much more practical than they seem, it is them who find a way out of troubles. This is something which we all got to master.  

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