Money Tips These Successful People Wish They'd Known In Their 20s

6. Kate White

Kate White is a writer, magazine editor, and speaker in America. From 1998 to 2012, she served as the editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan. Currently she is the author of eight novels, including two stand-alone thrillers and the Bailey Weggins mystery series, as well as four non-fiction books with business advice for women.

White began her career in the magazine industry after winning Glamour's “Top Ten College Women” contest, for which she appeared on the cover and received a position as an editorial assistant at the magazine. During her time at Glamour, White worked her way up to become a feature writer and columnist.  But few things even she couldn’t learn in her 20’s for instance you should always buy high quality stuffs.

7. Adam Nash

Adam Nash is the President and CEO of Wealthfront. Nash previously served as an executive in residence at Greylock Partners, vice president of product management at LinkedIn, director at eBay and held strategic and technical roles at Atlas Venture, Preview Systems and Apple. After struggling a lot he became the director of eBay Express, a website that focused on fixed-price products.

But one thing he could not learn in his twenties was that your company is more important than your role and he said "I'm a huge believer that people in their 20s should seek out opportunities at later-stage, hypergrowth companies. When you think long term, the company you join is far more important in your 20s than the specific compensation or role."