Here's What Hackers Do With Your Data

4. Open and Use Out Credit Cards

Your existing credit cards aren’t the only thing at risk when a hacker gets access to your information. If you think you are safe just because you are monitoring the charges on your existing cards, you are operating under a dangerously false assumption. While some hackers will start with your credit cards, those who have enough information can go far beyond this trick.

With your personal information in hand, cyber criminals can get brand new credit cards under your name and max them out in a matter of days or even hours. Once you realize the fraud has taken place, the criminal is long gone with the goods.

5. Refinance Your Own Home

A home is a major investment that you probably treat with extreme care. You worked hard to save a down payment and slogged through piles of paperwork to finally get those keys. If a hacker gets a hold of your social security number and steals your identity, he could be the one benefiting from all your efforts.

With the right information, a professional cybercriminal can assume your identity and take out a home equity loan on the house you are living in.