Financial Myths About Credit Cards

1. Its Safe To Use My Card As I Have A Secret CVV Number

One of the fictions among the people about their card is that their CVV number is safe and so they can safely use their cards. Think before you act. Always, be careful while you do an online shopping or a bill payment as some websites ask for your CVV number, so be very sure while doing transactions in such websites.

However, there are some websites that don’t ask for CVV number. You can just enter your name, card number, and the expiry date of your card the transaction will be completed.

While giving your card for swiping after shopping or after you filling the fuel make sure that you are present there as the CVV number is usually found at the back of your card. Fraudsters might take advantage of this number, in such circumstances it’s better to note down your CVV number and scratch the one that is printed on the card.

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