Best Financial Commandments For Your 30s

2. Get Sufficient Insurance Cover

What if something happens to you? This might be something that nobody wants to think of. But it’s very important to keep your family safe even after your death. Having enough insurance plays a very important role.

You can also consider having car and home insurance if you have such worthy assets. Personal accident cover is also a good option to go with. If you have elders in your family who are financially dependent on you, it will be very wise to get medical insurance for them.

3. Make a Will

You may ask, “Should I do it now? In 30s?” Experts say YES, it is the right time to think about it. Don’t sit and wait for your 50s to plan about a will, which usually everybody does. You can never predict your future, so it’s better to make a will so that your family can be financially safe.

Also let your family know about your assets and liabilities, so that if you are not there anymore, your family shouldn’t be deprived of property or suffer for any liabilities. Once you are done making a will, you can always change it time to time when and if your assets grow.