Avoid Borrowing Bucks For These Things

2. Furniture

If you can get zero percent financing and pay it off in time, then maybe. But even then, you're better off buying something cheaper, or waiting until you've saved up.

3. An Excellent Family Vacation

The third item for which you should not even consider borrowing money is a family vacation. A family vacation is supposed to be a great time for the family to enjoy each other's company, bond and generally have a great time. i2Hence, it doesn’t make much sense if the father (or parents) is constantly bludgeoning the rest of the family about how much the vacation costs and how he'll need to slave away to repay the loan.

You might take the risk of financing an individual vacation alone; after all, you'll be the only on with the sullen expression mixed with a slight dash of regret every time you are handed the bill on your vacation and especially if the vacation doesn’t live up to your expectations.