Are You Both a Debt Hiding Couple?

Tell-tale Signs of Hiding Debt

Hiding debt is like trying to cover an elephant with a bed-sheet, unless one has mastered the trick of deception. Still, there are some ways you can find out if your spouse has been hiding something, like debts -

Getting the Mail Before You Do

Let’s face it – no one will usually get up early in the morning to get the mail. We always expect our significant other to do it for us and in return we shower them with smiles. So, get on your toes if your spouse dashes for the mail and does not let you take a peek at it. The problem can be worse if they have a separate mail for themselves and keep it locked up. It can be a host of things that they might be trying to hide from you, maybe even a surprise party. Still, don’t let your guard down but don’t go over-board with your suspicions either. Stand your ground and keep delving further as you deserve the truth.