9 Financial Lessons To Learn From Indian Billionaire Mukesh Ambani

7. Use revolutionary system

Mukesh Ambani realized that the feudal system in place was outdated and needed to be replaced by a revolutionary system. There was no substance in keeping the power in a few people's hands and so the authority was spread over a network of people who were given specific responsibilities.

He bonded with the best. Dupont's alliance was sought for $ 5 million. Young people were assigned to be trained by Dupont. This was something new to Indian business and industry.

8. Risk teach you best lessons

There is a fundamental difference between adventure-seeker and gambler. Both set out to make memorable experiences. But, both choose different ways to do so. Mukesh is more of an adventure seeker than a gambler. He knows his goals and will chase them to their logical end.

9. Revenue figures speak louder

It seems that nowadays the PR companies make a killing trying to position someone as a 'subject expert'. For a startup company, PR agencies keep stressing on the need to be 'seen and heard' than 'work and be noticed'. Contrary to the popular belief, Mukesh Ambani's Reliance is almost everywhere, but the man barely has the time to be 'seen' in the media.

When work speaks, everything else falls silent. And when the company is on growth trajectory, you needn't worry about being 'seen'. After all, revenue figures do matter more than anything else!