9 Credit Cards Tricks That Save Money For You!

4. Changing Due Dates

There is nothing worse than being a faithful on-time bill payer only to find out that you are late because your credit card company pulled a fast one and moved your due date up by a day. It may sound seriously shady and that’s because it is, but right now it’s not illegal and some credit card companies will employ this tactic in an effort to charge you late fees and over limit fees.

You can still trigger changes to your due date without even being aware. While many credit card companies won’t arbitrarily change your due date, they will use any excuse you give them to do it. If you signed up for paperless billing or you called to lower your interest rate, your credit card company could use this “change” as an opportunity to change your due date and simply “forget” to inform you, banking on the fact that you won’t closely read your own statement.

5. Try to have two cards

If you do plan to take advantage of rewards, then opt for two credit cards. The rewards card for making your daily expenses that you will pay off in full each month and a second card with the lowest possible interest rate to cover any emergency expenses when you won't be able to pay off the balance in full by the end of the month.