7 Ways To Stabilize Finances As Mompreneurs

2. Map your time

Let’s not forget you’re a mom. i3We always see tips for entrepreneurs focusing on time management. You have a bigger task. You have to map your day around your children. Schedule your time and stick to it to maximize your efficiency.

Tackle the more complex tasks at a time where you won’t be under pressure. For example, don’t schedule a difficult task only an hour before rushing out to pick the kids up from school. Time yourself and be strict with yourself. Every lost minute is a potential lost rupee.

3. Pay yourself a salary

Here’s another step that many entrepreneurs tend to skip in start up phase. They pay their vendors, employees and bills and then pray there is enough left over to take a distribution for themselves. i3It is understood that there is little or no profit and you might be bootstrapping the business and you may not feel right about taking a salary.

But this is true that you will burn out if you don’t have a reasonable steady salary coming in! And you can choose to invest it all back in the company if you want to – but it should still be coming to you on paper. Think about it because if you ever plan to sell the company or seek investors you will need an accurate operating budget, which would include your salary.