7 Things You Should Definitely Not Waste Money On

6. Buying Eateries without Checking Expiry Dates

Not only does this one hurt the environment by needlessly creating more waste, but it hurts your wallet by forcing you to buy more food than you need. i5Learning to budget your grocery list so that you're spending just the right amount of money on food and not buying more than you can eat is part of gaining independence and being an adult. Learn which foods keep and which have expiry dates and plan your meals in advance or keep a meal schedule to minimize waste.

7. Cable TV

Yes you might be thinking: Oh, no! Not my beloved cable! I enjoy a good hour of television as much as the next guy, but the time has come to cut the cord.i6 Reduce your viewing time down to the bare minimum and spend more time exercising and preparing your meals; you'll notice a huge spike in energy and a drop in your weight. And when it comes to catching up on your favorite show? There are so many good alternatives to cable that will cost you less and cut down on wasted commercial-viewing time.