7 Strange Taxes You Have Never Heard Of!

2. Tattoo Tax

Vey often we see dudes and

But hold on; be prepared to pay taxes of 6 percent sales tax, if you are resident of Alaska, U.S. The state included tattooing, electrolysis treatments and body piercing in the list of services subject to sales taxes.

So next time you visit any tattoo shop and want any bull horns or any funky tattoo on your body, just ask the tattoo shopkeeper, “do you charge sales tax and, if so, how much?”

3. Cow Flatulence Tax

Where in the world, one can ever imagine that he has to pay for his cow’s slow digestion? Yes, studies indicate that cow releases approximately 4 tons of methane gas in a year, which is the major cause of global warming.

In countries like Ireland and Denmark it was found that cows slowly digest greens accounting for up to 18 percent of Europe's greenhouse gasses.  They are taxing cattle owners and slaughterhouses for the gaseous emissions their livestock create. In 2013, the taxes ranged from $18 per cow up to $110 per cow.

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