7 Best Ways To Save Money On Internet Bills


sd5. Use Free Wi-Fi:

Free Wi-Fi is no more a thing of the past. In Metro Stations, Airports and in some commercial buildings, free Wi-Fi is provided to facilitate the customers or passengers who commute on a daily basis.

Nowadays, everyone has a Smartphone and they use free Wi-Fi which is supported by their devices within a particular distance. Free Wi-Fi has become a common thing in Metropolitan cities. People will be able to save on their Internet bills much greater by the usage of Free Wi-Fi.

sd6. Connect To a Computer Using 3G Dongle:

One of the effective ways for saving money is to connect your mobile to a desktop 3g Dongle, which works similarly as Wi-Fi. You will be able to connect to the Internet by connecting to a 3g Dongle through your handset. Here also charges are applicable to 3g Dongle. So you have to limit your Internet usage so as your 3g Dongle bill comes less. 

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