6 Things to Know Before Opting For Student Loan in India

sdCalculating Your Exact Earning Potential After You Graduate:

If you have graduated in English, the odds are high that you might not be able to find a steady job after graduation, or at least the one that pays more. Do some research and find out what other graduates in your field are earning and how well they are able to manage their loan payments.

sdFees and Other Charges:

When a student loan is to be procured, it accompanies by several fees and charges such as processing fees, documentation charges and administrative charges, which also raise the loan cost to a considerable amount. Students should approach those banks for loans whose costs are less (Interest Rate). The student has to compare the loans from various banks on the basis of the factors like Interest Rate and Loan Payment Tenure, by doing so he will find the one which suits him the best.


Knowing your repayment limits will always be the key to receive the right type of student loans. Those who plan ahead and know what to expect will start their careers on a much better footing than those who simply take loans because they are available.