5 Simple Ways To Save Big Money in 2014

4. Carry your lunch box: Working people are seen spending more on their lunch and dinner outside as they get tired after coming home after long hours of work. But it is high time to understand that we actually spend excess money on food every day. It might seem less when calculated per day but when you calculate it for a month, it’s a pretty big amount. Lunch times are great opportunities to network and make connections that could improve your career growth too. Find a balance between saving some money and making the connection. It is not that you cannot have your food from outside at all instead you can have it once or twice a week.

5. Prefer water than other drinks: Water is often free or cheap. Instead of ordering drinks when dining out, ask for water. We live in a land where clean water is a blessing, so let’s enjoy it. Save the money you might have spent on juice, or other beverages for other things. Although, drinking water is good for your health. It is always good to make it a habit to carry your own water. Bottled water is the most convenient since it can provide protection against accidental spills. Thus it is better if you buy bottled water only once in a while, and then reuse that bottle to fill your own water.