4 Money-Saving Tax Deductions To Consider This Year

Loan or Mortgage Points

You must know about the tax advantages provided by deducting your mortgage interest payments, but did you know about advantages in tax deduction through Mortgage points?

Yes mostly this is overlooked by many homeowners resulting in losing money. On a conventional loan points may be paid by either buyer or seller or split between them.

Even if the seller pays all the points, the buyer gets the deduction. Who will pay when and how depends on the circumstances of the loan.

Bonus Depreciation

Small and mid-sized business owners can see waiving of 50 percent of the costs of assets they purchased for their business in 2014.

Buying things for your office purposes can save you a lot of money especially when it comes on saving money on tax deductions. You have to check with an expert that whether you are qualified to avail these benefits or not.

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