2015: A Year For Tax And Investment Planning

BANGALORE: Well, the year 2015 has just started and for the benefit of our readers we will like to share with them ‘Fifteen important tips for Tax and Investment Planning’. These tips will surely help every tax payer to save some portion of his income-tax and also proper planning for his investment. Here are these fifteen tips:

1. Reduce your tax payments

The first thing to do this year is cutting down all your tax payment and this is possible through two vistas. i1First is taking advantage of all exemptions and deduction and second is ensuring Income-tax file for every member in the family.

If you are able to take care of these two vistas only then surely your year 2015 would be a wonderful year bringing lot of money for you as a result of tax planning and also making money grow for you by proper planning of investment based on the changes made by the Government relating to investment strategy in whole of year 2015.