13 Best Things You Can Get Absolutely Free

4. Pets

Free pets @ local animal health shelters

Keeping a pet at home is one of the new hot trends in the society. People have become so crazy about pets that they even import pets from abroad, and these pets don’t come cheap. A small kitten or puppy of any breed will cost you around 15,000 and above and buying alone is not the end of the story, these pets require proper care along with food and vaccinations— increasing your monthly expenditure. But, there’s an alternative. Go for pet adoption; there are local animal health shelters where you can adopt a pet for free, saving both your money and fulfilling your desire of keeping a pet.

5. Financial Planning

Free Financial Planning @ Mint.com

How much your financial planner or advisor takes? Is it 3,000 and above for an hour? Well Mint.com provides you banking information, budgeting, money management, financial management, money manager, budget planner and free budget software where you can keep a track of your spending, saving and more. Overall it manages your financial profile with just clicks away. The site also gives advice on how and what credit cards are best for you.

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