10 Brilliant Money Management Tips for Students

7. Start investing: It is better to start investing now as the sooner you start the more time your money will get in order to build interest. The best part of investing at an early age is that you have to invest less money to meet your retirement goals. Investing is not a rocket science; it is a lot simpler than you think. You can even open an account online that too with a minimal amount of money and schedule withdrawals from your bank account to your investing account each month. Don’t wait just kick start!

8. Create an emergency fund: It is true that being a student even if you face any emergency you have your parents beside but what about the future. Unexpected situations can arise in any one’s life and to be ready for such situations, you need to start savings from now. Second options, you need to keep aside emergency cash from your monthly expenses. However, often it is found that most people put these emergency expenses on a credit card. So, to avoid much debt burden, start saving funds for such emergency situations from today. Remember borrowing is not always good.

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