AppOrchid: The Subconscious Specialists

Krishna Kumar, Founder & CEO

April 2018 has been a substantially eventful month for Krishna Kumar, the founder and CEO of App Orchid, as his company took on many successful endeavors. Not only was he chosen as one of the semi-finalists for the 19th EY Entrepreneur of the Year™ Award Program; his company, App Orchid was named amongst the top 15 innovators in AI by multiple analysts. What’s more, a company that he previously founded got acquired by a major telecommunications giant. Kumar mentions, “Through my entrepreneurial journey with the other startups that I founded, there were a lot of things which I learned, and in a way that laid the foundation for coming up with the idea of App Orchid.”

Back in the days of Space-Time Insight, a company that he previously founded, Kumar and his team were solving business challenges in the utilities and energy space by pioneering the idea of analytics applicable for IoT, distributed over massive geographies. “We used the power of spatial intelligence to create sensible data insights,” explains Kumar. Having conquered the space of distributed data analytics, it was in 2013 that Kumar’s entrepreneurial instincts peeked again. “There was a tremendous amount of tribal knowledge, such as the subconscious insights of a particular individual, and I thought, what if I can get this information out into the digital ecosystem?” states Kumar. As he had envisioned, with the growth of AI and the collaboration of unstructured themes and structured data, the idea of subconscious information panned out to be the next big thing that brought ideological expressions in the digital ecosystems. Spinning this paradigm in a positive manner, Kumar invented powerful applications and marked the beginning of the lustrous journey of his new entrepreneurial venture, App Orchid. With a special interest in the revolutionary science of cognitive computing, App Orchid offers three products that enable the development of SaaS-based cognitive multi-device apps for the rapidly growing “Internet of Everything” industry. “By leveraging groundbreaking data science, artificial intelligence, and natural language interface, App Orchid empowers analysts to develop powerful business apps and solutions with minimum IT oversight and governance,” says Kumar.

Developing Intelligent Systems

The advancements in the digital era such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and natural language processing (NLP) are bridging the gap between technology and the human mind. In fact, this convergence is no more a mere concept of the future but an empirical reality. A perfect illustration is how data analytics companies are discerning the ideological mindsets of people by mining data from social media platforms.

App Orchid empowers analysts to develop powerful business apps and solutions with minimum IT oversight and governance

“We are increasingly moving to a universe where the digital world is converging with the human subconscious,” states Kumar. At its core a software development company, App Orchid offers innovative enterprise software applications that help its clients leverage the capabilities of AI and cognitive computing to improve business processes. Kumar believes that experiments with AI must move out of laboratories and start being implemented to help organizations develop intelligent systems. With the advent of the internet of everything, the ability of an organization to measure and collect data has grown exponentially. App Orchid’s platform is designed to help them establish intuitive relationships between the multitude of unstructured and structured data that is collected from various sources. “However, 60 to 70 percent of most processes are still driven by the human mind,” explains Kumar.

“Veteran leaders often use their instincts to make critical business decisions, having gained a sixth sense in their respective fields through years of experience. It is this wisdom that we are striving to capture in the digital form.” In most cases, this information dies with the individual, but by using techniques like NLP, App Orchid can extract knowledge from humans and makes it available in an analytical form.

The App Orchid platform is built by leveraging three of the company’s proprietary products: Agora, Vulcan UX, and Cloud Seer. Agora is an NLP infrastructure and big data analytics engine that forms the basis of the platform’s deep learning capabilities. The Vulcan UX, on the other hand, is a first-of-its-kind cognitive computing-based UX development suite that allows clients to test and deploy UX designs with ease. Meanwhile, Cloud Seer acts as a unique software as a service (SaaS) cloud infrastructure that is powered by cognitive computing. By leveraging these technologies, App Orchid merges various forms of data to identify patterns, risks, and opportunities, and presents this information in the form of customized story-boards or video presentations. This helps clients derive valuable insights that cannot be achieved using conventional analytical and visualization tools.

Changing the Data Analysis Game

To cater to the specialized requirements of each organization, App Orchid provides their clients with either off-the-shelf applications or helps them develop their applications using the platform. The company is currently focusing on three major verticals; energy, healthcare, and insurance. They have developed a plethora of applications in each of these fields. One of their applications uses analytics to study data such as the number of customer service calls and words used by clients to extrapolate the client’s sentiments.
Another application uses AI bots to crawl through balance sheets, performance reports, and leadership portfolios available on the internet to identify companies that clients can acquire.

As the application of AI in business processes is still in the experimental stage, clients expect rapid prototyping such that the success of the product is guaranteed. To that end, App Orchid uses an iterative process to develop ideas rapidly and modify them based on client feedback. This has helped them develop some game-changing applications in the field of healthcare. Immuno-oncology is the technique of training a body’s immune system to target and fight cancer cells. This is a risky venture and requires the experience of the most accomplished doctors to design a suitable treatment for each specific patient. App Orchid has developed an application that amasses the knowledge base of doctors from across the world to guide other doctors in developing the most appropriate treatment for every patient. The firm also caters to the insurance space’s ever-increasing demand for intuitive systems. Asset management, contract management, and claims analysis are some of the path-breaking applications they have developed for the insurance sector. Recently, a Japanese insurance company installed GPS-based sensors in a large number of cars and turned to App Orchid to help them analyze the data collected from the sensors. Using data such as acceleration, number of times the car changes lanes, and digital elevation models, the firm’s solution could determine the condition of roads and infer the cause of accidents. The application uses highly intelligent algorithms also to analyze the driver’s fatigue, a factor that could not previously be calculated using just GPS data.

Wisdom is where Subconscious is!

App Orchid’s success stems from sound business models and their focus on developing expertise in AI. Rather than attempting to raise large amounts of funding, they started small and have grown by rapidly expanding their customer base. This is verified by the 400 percent year-on-year growth they have witnessed and the fact that they are slated to become a $20 million company by 2018, having only received $4.5 million through venture capitalists.

"We strongly believe that the cure for diseases like cancer will be discovered through mathematics and computing, not biology"

Kumar mentions that App Orchid is currently planning a massive expansion in the field of healthcare in the near future. “We strongly believe that the cure for Cancer lies in Mathematics and not in Biology and we are determined to becoming the pioneers who will lead this technological disruption,” informs Kumar. “If we have the proper tool to unravel nature’s tribal thinking, we can find the genesis of diseases and the cure. This is our vision for the future, and we will be working on solving the complex and multi-dimensional ways of the nature to solve problems and find remedies through computational means.”