Young Social Innovators of India

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 24 January 2012, 02:33 IST
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7. Foldable water bottle & Hoe cum shovel

Refaz Ahmad Wani and Ishfaq Ahmad Wani
Class 10, Anantnag, Jammu & Kashmir

With a number of ideas to their credit, these creative twins have developed a spade, the scoop of which can be rotated at the hinge to be converted into a hoe.


8. Medicine expiry indication

Shweta Sharma
Class 9, Punjab

A colored indicator on the strips of medicine to guide us to the already expired tablets can save many a lives, says Shweta







9. Medicine Inconsumable after Expiry

Jaskiran Goraya
Class 9, Punjab

A liquid integrated between the cover and medicine dis integrates after expiry and makes it inconsumable. This is life savior to the illiterate which form some part of our society thinks Jaskiran.