Indian Villager became source of MIT tech idea

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Indian Villager became source of MIT tech idea
Bangalore: Mahatma Gandhi once said "The soul of India lives in its villages' and today a villager from Guwahati has made his vision true and acceptable to the world. Kanak Das, resident of a remote village near Guwahati has created a simple device which converts the shocks received by his bicycle into acceleration energy, so he doesn't have to peddle for a few metres after negotiating a pothole, reports Prashant Thakor of DNA. Finally the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, U.S., has taken up by his idea and is conducting further research on how to channelize the energy created in shock observers of vehicle into the acceleration. Anil Gupta, Professor at IIM-A, who presented his idea to the MIT said, "Kanak Das came up with this innovation to seek a solution to the bad roads of his village, and when I showcased his idea to the students of MIT, they immediately adopted it, as it can bring huge change in automobile technology across the world."