India world's most bullish country in hiring

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 08 September 2009, 22:48 IST
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India world's most bullish country in hiring
Bangalore: Recruitment plans are strongest in the emerging markets like India and Brazil, as job prospects remain weak in the U.S, according to the global Manpower Employment Outlook Survey. The report says that the fourth quarter (Q4) of 2009 will continue to challenge job seekers in labor markets around the world. Employer hiring expectations have improved fairly in the past three months in nearly two thirds of the countries and territories surveyed, which suggests a relief from the job cut pattern. Employment scenario seems to have improved in comparison to the third quarter in six of the eight countries surveyed in the Asia-Pacific region. Still, the hiring process will be slower than historical patterns across the region. India, China and Australia have strongest employment opportunities, as Japan and New Zealand have a negative outlook. Employer hiring expectations are notably weaker in Japan, India and Hong Kong. "Indian employers have absorbed the layoffs conducted in the third quarter and are telling us they will begin hiring again at a conservative pace, but most intend to keep their workforces intact through the end of the year. Government stimulus efforts around infrastructure projects are contributing to accelerated hiring plans in India's mining and construction sector," said Jeffrey A Joerres, Chairman and CEO, Manpower. "Meanwhile, hiring expectations in China are among the most optimistic of the year, with outlooks improving from three months ago across all industry sectors, particularly in the finance, insurance, real estate and the services sectors," he added. He added that the job seekers will still have limited opportunities as world's labor markets are not expected to recover in the fourth quarter. "The markets appear to be heading in the right direction with results from 20 countries and territories showing positive movement from three months ago," said Joerres. Some positive hiring activities are expected in 17 out of the 35 surveyed in the quarter ahead. Among the remaining, 15 reported negative hiring expectations in which 10 reported their weakest hiring plans since the survey. India, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, China, Australia, Singapore, Costa Rica, Canada, Taiwan and Poland have strongest hiring plans and Romania, Spain, Ireland, Japan and Mexico have the weakest. The next Manpower Employment Outlook Survey will be released on December 08, 2009, which will report hiring expectations for the first quarter of 2010.