An Alarm Clock that Goes Off Only When You Enter Code!

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 15 February 2012, 23:48 IST
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Ramos Alarm Clock

Bangalore: Getting up before 9am is probably one of the biggest tasks of the day. It's almost like you wake up, but your bed keeps you tightly tucked under the warm sheets. So you snooze the alarm for ‘just another 5 minutes’ and before you know it a whole hour goes by, and you're late for work again!

The good news for all the people who find it hard to wake up early is if the conventional alarm isn't enough in the morning, you may want to check out the Ramos Alarm Clock by Paul Sammut. This alarm clock, which is currently a project on Kickstarter, looks like any other wooden alarm clock. You set it like a normal clock, and in the morning the alarm goes on like a normal clock. But, there's no button to switch off the noisy alarm. Instead, you have to walk to a "defuse panel" which could be placed anywhere like the bathroom or near the coffee maker and then enter a code to make it shut up.

The whole point of the alarm clock is that not only does it get you out of bed and move around, but it also makes your brain work as you have to remember the code, which helps you wake up. Secondly, the ‘temptation’ – your bed is nowhere in sight, which makes you less likely to hop back in.

The defuse panel looks like a simple numerical keypad within a frame and can be easily hung on a wall. A code is generated every time the alarm goes on, so you need to make sure you glance at the clock before you make the trip to the defuse panel. The standard version of the panel can connect wirelessly to the alarm clock from about 50 feet away, which makes it easy to place it in various parts of the house.

Paul hopes to raise $75,000 through Kickstarter in order to get the idea off the ground. That huge amount will pay for a wood shop, the various materials and equipment required to produce the first few batches, and to make future improvements to the design. For the basic LED birch Ramos, one has to pay $160. For something else, like a different wood or a display made of nixie tubes instead of LEDs an investment of at least $200 is required.

The alarm clock looks beautifully designed and it's a great way of bringing a little tech into your wake up cycle. Moreover, the alarm clock is sure to wake you up!