Adobe riathon 08 to showcase innovative applications

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 21 November 2008, 20:30 IST
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Bangalore: To identify brilliance in mobile phone technology, Adobe is set to host 'Adobe riathon 2008', a platform to showcase cutting edge technologies for people who develop Rich Internet Application (RIA). People at and above 18 years can apply for the competition. Selected entries will then exhibit in a ceremony on 29th November at Grand Asoka Hotel, Bangalore. The grand winner will be awarded a groovy apple iPhone and the runners up will take home a Sony home theater system. More exciting prizes are there to encourage other excellent developers. The entries should be reached on or before November 26 and it should be a RIA (Rich Internet Application) using Adobe Flash Platform technologies -Flex / Flash / AIR (Adobe Integrated Runtime). The Adobe riathon 2008 will also highlight the new developments in the Adobe Flash platform.