50 People Who Will Change the World

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 21 February 2012, 01:19 IST
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6. Richard Branson, Entrepreneur selected Lesego Malatsi, Designer

Lesego has a business called Mzansi Designers Emporium, based in Johannesburg. The company was mentored at the Branson Centre of Entrepreneurship in South Africa and it finds incredible local fashion designers who are beginning to take their business abroad. It's doing great and it recently showcased its fashions at London Fashion Week.

7. Melinda Gates, Cofounder, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation selected Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Minister of health, Ethiopia

Dr Tedros has used pioneering techniques to save the lives of millions of Ethiopians. Instead of building expensive hospitals, he has set up programmes to train 35,000 health workers. The workers then go on to provide care in nearly every community across Ethiopia, especially for women and children, who are often the most at risk and underserved. As a result, women have access to family planning and are now able to plan the timing and spacing of their children.

8. Niklas Zennström, Founder, Atomico; Cofounder, Kazaa and Skype selected Markus Alexej Persson aka Notch, Creator, Minecraft

Notch saw a chance to create computer games differently, and executed it brilliantly. He does what all great technology entrepreneurs do- think globally, seeing the true potential for an online business, while understanding his customers. He's modest yet confident in his area of expertise, and is always engaging.

9. Reid Hoffman, Founder, LinkedIn selected Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab

Reid quoted that “Joi has had amazing influences upon the web -- he and I invested in Flickr -- but he'll make an important transformation of education with Media Lab.

10. Ai Weiwei, Artist selected Chen Guangcheng, Human-rights activist

Chen Guangcheng is an activist from Shandong. He lost his sight as a child but he is a bright light that shines in the darkness. Without any professional training, he taught himself law to help himself and other disabled people in rural areas. He is best known outside China, for filing a lawsuit on behalf of women who suffered under China's forced-abortion and sterilization campaign. He has also fought for more equitable taxation of villagers and disabled people.