11 Most Reputed Companies in the World

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 15 February 2012, 22:27 IST
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Bangalore: People not only love technology, they love the tech companies too, at least as shown in the 13th annual Reputation Quotient (RQ) study by Harris Interactive, which asks the general public to measure reputation of the 60 most visible companies in terms of many factors ranging from social responsibility to products and services.

Manufacturing, retail along with technology were the industries people choose the most. Any company which gets a score above 80 was treated “excellent” by the index.

The study showed peoples increasing affinity for technology companies. Five tech companies made it to the top 11 and even one tech company topped the list with a record RQ score in 13 years.

Here are the 11 top companies

#11 Sony

Reputation Quotient Score this year: 79.22

Last year: 80.44

Even though Sony’s reputation score went a little down from the last year, it gained three positions in the ranking and came in 11th position and is the 5th best in tech companies.

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