Internet makes children fat and lazy

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 10 April 2010, 19:01 IST
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Internet makes children fat and lazy
Bangalore: A recent study on 72, 845 schoolchildren aged 13 to 15 in 34 nations, World Health Organization (WHO) recently found out that nearly a third of Earth's kids are not getting enough exercise, and the internet and video games are the cause of the problem. The study concluded that the kids these days are fat and lazy. Nearly a third of teenagers around the world are spending at least three hours a day glued to a screen, by playing games, watching TV, or surfing the net. That doesn't mean growing up in a poor country allow kids to get more physical activity. They speculate that the problem may be caused by urbanization and access to TVs and cars. Kids were classified as sedentary, while kids that get at least one hour of exercise five or more days a week were classified as active. With these criteria, 25 percentage of boys and 15 percentage of girls are active, while 25 percentage of boys and 30 percentage of girls are sedentary. In fact, boys are more active than girls in 33 of the 34 nations studied. Zambia is the only country where the girls are more active than the boys. The least active girls in the world are in Egypt, where only 4 percentage are considered active.