War of Words of India's Political Biggies

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 11 January 2012, 23:01 IST
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Bangalore: The Indian politicians are constantly seen having a verbal war with one another. The attacks made by them are sometimes hilarious and rather amusing. A remark passed by one becomes the food for thought for another. The war of words never ends! Be it BSP’s elephant not eating fodder but cash as said Rahul Gandhi or the sarcasm showered by Digvijay at Team Anna. A few instances of the attacks made by the politicians recently are:

Rahul vs Mayawati: The recent election campaigns in Uttar Pradesh saw Congress General Secretary Rahul Gandhi making serious allegations at Mayawati, saying that her government misuses the Central Government aid and that the money goes into the pockets of the BSP workers. He said “When Hindustan is moving forward, Uttar Pradesh is going backwards.” In a rally in U.P, Gandhi was quoted saying "There is an elephant sitting in Lucknow and this elephant is eating your money. This time UP has decided to throw away this elephant.” On many occasions Rahul raised the corruption issue in Mayawati’s rule and with regard to the food security bill, he said that there were welfare schemes like the MNREGA but the funds were appropriated by the ministers. He said he wasn’t sure if the U.P Government would provide food to all or just BSP leaders, ministers and criminals. To this statement Mayawati retorted saying "The Congress is getting nightmares about BSP's election symbol elephant driving them away."

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