Top Ten Skin Care Tips

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 19 October 2011, 21:48 IST
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Top Ten Skin Care Tips
Bangalore: Everybody dreams to get a beautiful skin, paper smoothness with zero pores and instant facelift. But we get more wrinkles and pores when we grow old. People tend to run behind cosmetics and beauty salons to ward off this catastrophe. Aging is a natural fact that happens to everyone, accepting that fact looks better on everyone than denying it. Using beauty products and cosmetics could affect your skin tone and may lead to further more vulnerability. Instead of paying for the pseudo science and marketing madness, you can try some basic skin care tips that can bring great change! *Stay hydrated: it is important to stay hydrated and regularly restock the H2O. Drink as much as water you can, or at least not less than 8 glass per day! *Quit smoking: Yes, that's the best tip for a great skin. Your skin needs enough blood circulation. Smoking will impair blood circulation and thus make your skin look dull and grey. *Use Sunscreen: Use a sunscreen lotion with PFA-15 and above. Also, try to avoid direct sun exposure between 10AM and 3PM. *Wash Your Face Twice A Day: Wash your face with warm water and a mild soap or face wash. Do not over wash or scrub frequently as it can cause skin to become irritated. After washing you can apply a mild lotion which contains benzoyl peroxide to decrease oil and bacteria. *Stop Popping Pimples: Now it's time to stop being surgical on yourself. Stop pick-poking and scratching your pimple. The more you experiment the greater your risk of getting unwanted scars. *Don't wear too tight: Avoid wearing cloths which are too tight. They won't allow your skin to breathe easily and cause irritation. Also avoid Scarves, headbands, and caps, which are prone to collect dirt and oil. *Remove your make up before you go to bed: Make sure you are not going to bed with all make up which you wear for an evening party. *Buy branded Makeup: Make sure that you are buying branded makeup kit that strictly provide a "noncomedogenic" or "nonacnegenic" label. Throw away old makeup that smells or looks different. *Practice hair hygiene: Keep your hair clean and out of your face to prevent additional dirt and oil from clogging your pores. *Avoid Tap water: Try to avoid tape water on face. Tap water contains chlorine, fluoride and other harsh chemicals, which will make your skin dry. Use mineral water instead of tap water