Top Password Security Policies for SMBs

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Restrict application settings

A safe bet is to always secure and keep the applications settings intact and more personalized, specially for the mobile and online applications. It would be advisable to modify privacy and security settings of the organization’s applications in a much more locked down manner. Do not be very confident of new applications, when testing or signing up for new online tools or applications outside the corporate system consider using an alternative or secondary email address.

Device lock Apps & exit or logout of apps completely:

For those who access their business application and secure data through mobiles, palmtops, and other gadgets it is always recommendable to use a device lock up application.  Because once a device stolen or lost can turn out to have potential security threats resulting in password breaches.  SMBs need to encourage their employees to use device-lock feature or app.

Password security best practices also include signing out and fully exit of business apps. Most of the users are lazy enough to sign out of an application completely and tend to keep running the  business apps in the background this may actually lead to major security threat and result in miserable nightmares for an unprepared SMB. Logging out or fully exit of an app sounds easy but at times it actually more than just closing it, depending on the phone and its operating system.

There are other key points as well to be considered other than ones mentioned above such as Double-down on email accounts, Restrict application settings and for those SMBs where the BYOD trend is rising make sure certain restriction policies are made so that the employees do not get root access to business apps with their devices and steps should be taken to avoid such devices for company use.