Top 5 Health Resorts in India

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 19 August 2011, 22:12 IST   |    1 Comments
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The Oberoi Wildflower Hall Shimla
Located in the tranquil foothills of Shimla, Wildflower Hall is a luxury resort set in 22 acres of virgin woods of pine and cedar. Here you should not miss their exclusive spa called 'Himalayan Mysteries', includes chakra head, shoulder massage, a wild lavender scrub, cleansing facial and a fragrant jasmine bath. You can also go for a pressure point therapy, delicious body wraps like germanium cream, honey citrus and Himalayan spice and contemporary Hawaiian massage. The resort also offers the resort offers white river rafting, trekking, mountain biking, archery, billiards, ice skating and golf.