Top 10 Indian Writers in English

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 22 October 2011, 01:31 IST   |    15 Comments
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Rohinton Mistry
Rohinton Mistry
The Mumbai-born Rohinton Mistry, shifted to Canada and there penned his first novel "One Sunday" which bagged the annual contributors award from the Canadian fiction magazine. He also received the commonwealth writer prize for "Such a Long Journey" whereas "A Fine Balance" was shortlisted for Bookers Prize. His novels throw light on concerns distressing the Parsi community in India. The beauty of his books lies in their lyrical prose though his novels are long and depressing at times. Mistry's works are a pool of human emotions that mount above situation or provision. His characters are philosophical porch of unsophisticated love and he dwells in the ordinary only to transform into the extra-ordinary.