Tips to quit smoking

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 13 August 2011, 00:40 IST
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Bangalore: As easy it is to get addicted to cigarette smoking, quitting them is just as difficult. Quitting smoking is no small feat. While you are pondering over ways to quit, remember that there are no wonder ways to quit smoking. Understand and realize why it is so hard for you to quit smoking - there is a physiological and a psychological basis to your obsession. If you have made the decision to quit smoking, then all you need now is a plan, resolve, and support. So here are some tips that will help you quit smoking for life. Prepare Yourself to Quit: Customize a stop smoking plan to cater to your personal needs. Start your Stop-Smoking Plan with picking a day to quit smoking as having a particular day in mind will help you stick to your goal. Find an alternative to occupy yourself whenever you feel like smoking while doing something. Visit the doctor and ask if Nicotine replacement theory or other medications would work for you. Plan substitutes and get rid of all tobacco related items like ashtrays, lighters, cigarette boxes from your car, work place and home before your quit date. And the most important thing to do is- never avoid or skip meals. Learn to Manage your cravings: Prepare a list of things to do when cravings hits. Getting active by exercising, distracting yourself by doing things that keep your focus on anything else other than cigarettes like music, puzzles or cleaning a closet or cupboards. Chew gum, drink a cup of coffee or tea, practice deep breathing or talk a walk. Get Support for Quitting Smoking: Tell your family and friends about your quit smoking day and ask them to support the resolution to quit. As people who do smoke not to do so around you whilst you are trying to quit. Talk to your doctor, smoke cessation coach or counselor about your resolution and they might help you out with local groups, free programs at local hospitals and health centers. Be Prepared to Deal With Smoking Withdrawal Symptoms: You will need to tackle rationalizations as time passes. Withdrawal from nicotine is characterized by symptoms that include headache, anxiety, nausea and a craving for more tobacco. Nicotine creates a chemical dependency, so that the body develops a need for a certain level of nicotine at all times. Coming up with reasons to smoke may not make any sense to except at that particular point. So avoid situations that trigger the desire to smoke. Find alternatives to deal with cravings. Maintain Your Resolve, but Be Ready for a Slip: Understand that it is normal in the process of trying to kick your nicotine addiction that the most relapses happen within the first three months after quitting. Whenever you find your resolve weakening, identify the triggers or trouble spots that confronted you. Avoid alcohol as it reduces your chances of success. Swiftly recoup control if you slip. Slipping is not similar to relapse - it's just a one-time blunder. You're still a non-smoker. Rededicate yourself, and use the slip as a learning prospect by asking yourself what triggered your desire to smoke and what you can do to avoid it in the future.