Things Apple is Worth More Than

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 13 February 2012, 15:37 IST   |    3 Comments
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5.Four American Civil Wars:

The most awful conflict in American history was the United States Civil War. The casualties for the Civil War amounted to more American casualties than all other American wars put together. The entire country fought for 4 long years. The estimate for the cost of the Civil War ranges from $75 billion to $84 billion. Though the cost in lives lost cannot be measured, Apple has a market capital worth more than 4 American Civil Wars.


6.The Global Coffee Industry:

The global coffee industry generates $70 billion a year and has some 25 million employees. Apple with its massive market capital is worth more than 5 years of the coffee industry. In addition, Apple's $46 billion in revenue in the last quarter eclipses the U.S. coffee industry value, which is estimated at $19 billion.