The World Calls On Anna For Leadership

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 22 September 2011, 22:40 IST   |    6 Comments
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Leave alone Asia and the sub-continent, the influence of Anna has begun to echo globally. The U.S. President Barack Obama admired the efforts being taken in Indian villages to empower citizens and promote transparency in governance. Speaking at a global forum aimed at supporting transparency and fighting corruption, he said, "From Tanzania to Indonesia, and as I saw first hand during my visit to India, villages are organizing and making their voices heard, and getting the public services that they need." Obama favored a similar movement in U.S.
Meanwhile, Anna's strong determination has forced many a politicians to bend to their views. Congress MP and spokesperson Manish Tewari tendered a written apology to Anna Hazare, saying he regretted his remarks accusing the anti-corruption crusader of indulging in corruption. Tewari's apology comes two weeks after a legal defamation notice was slapped against him on September 8. Copies of the written apology were sent to Anna and his lawyer Milind Pawar.