The Anti-Anna Celebrities

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 03 September 2011, 02:10 IST   |    89 Comments
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Rahul Bose says that the movement to pass the Lokpall bill is anti-democratic. Imagine one day a JanLokpal panel made up of very intelligent rightwing despots. The mobilization of the middle class by Anna, Arvind, Prashant and the rest has been INCREDIBLE, but to what end? Change has to come from WITHIN a democracy.
rahul boss
To clean it up doesn't mean you set anti-democratic precedents. He has strong dissatisfaction that movement has been misled and they have gone against the democratic system. Speaking about the Jan Lokpal Bill he has interpreted the bill as flawed due to its dictatorial nature "If you want the Jan Lokpal bill in its entirety, you have to start fighting for a dictatorship, albeit an intelligent one.