Social Media in India, a Tool to Abuse Women?

As per the Internet and Mobile Association of India's 2013 report, 52 percent of working women and 55 percent of non-working women are using social media in India.

One Twitter user and author started an online campaign against child sex abuse, and a user tweeted back child pornography links to her.

Anja says that men also face online abuse, but the quality and content are different. She added that "The abuse directed at women is about their body, sexualisation, swear words. The sexual abuse that men receive is also directed at the women in their lives- mother, sister, wife," as reported by TNN.

Debarati Halder, advocate and MD of Centre for Cyber Victim Counselling in Tirunelveli said "Many prefer to remove these abusive posts (or) remain silent. They feel it will be harassment once the police start interrogating them and their names would be published in the media."

The grim reality is that so far Indian streets were considered unsafe for women but now women online too are exposed to abuse. It’s time that the bane of a patriarchal society is put to rest and offenders are punished and sexual harassment be curbed in the nation.

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