Sikh Soldiers Want More Indians In U.S. Army

Tuesday, 03 December 2013, 00:03 IST
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"Sikhs are part of the country, they are Americans as everybody else here. We need support of everyone from the community and other Indians to change the overall policy," he said adding that once the Army opens its door, other branches of the military could also follow suit and recruit more immigrants from diverse backgrounds.

Kalsi said he is privileged to be able to serve in the U.S. Army and looks forward to a future when his children and those of other immigrants and nationalities would be able serve "freely and proudly" for the country.

"This is my favourite turban, my camouflage turban, I take great pride in it. We don't take that lightly," Kalsi said as he touches his turban with a visible sense of pride.

"When Sikhs can serve proudly in nations like India, UK and Canada, there is no reason why we cannot serve here. I look forward to a future when not only my children but everyone's children can serve freely and proudly for the country."

Rattan said Indian parents in the U.S. prefer that their children take up lucrative, flourishing and comfortable professions and are not inclined to send to join the forces.

Rattan, who began serving as an Army dentist at Fort Drum in May 2010, says he has shared his experiences of serving in the Army with other Indian families so that they encourage their children to look at the military as a career option.

Rattan was appointed Detachment Commander of U.S. Army Dental Activity at Fort Drum in July 2010. He has also served in Afghanistan and received an Army Commendation Medal and a NATO Medal for his service.

"If you keep on pushing the little brick in the wall, it will drop. With perseverance, mental mindset, things will change," he said.

"I would like my son to be able to get what he wants," Rattan, who was accepted into the military after applying four times, said.

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Source: PTI