Scientists pinpoint brain area that manages movement

Tuesday, 06 December 2011, 23:50 IST
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Toronto: Researchers have pinpointed the brain area that controls our ability to correct our movement after we have been hit or bumped. The fact that humans rapidly correct for any disturbance in motion shows the brain understands the physics of the limb. "To say this process is complex is an understatement," said Stephen Scott, neuroscience professor and motor behavior specialist at the Queen's University. "Voluntary movement is really, really hard in terms of the math involved. The best physicists cannot solve these complicated equations, but your brain can do it incredibly quickly," he added. For example, a soccer player who collides with an opponent during a game has to respond quickly to correct the movement and remain upright, according to a university statement. Strokes that take place in the primary motor cortex may cause varying levels of damage to this corrective movement pathway. This varying damage may explain why some stroke patients are able to improve their movement skills in rehabilitation and why some patients remain uncoordinated and unsteady.
Source: IANS