Obama To Visit Native Indian American Reservation

Monday, 09 June 2014, 23:45 IST
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We are writing a new chapter in our history one in which agreements are upheld, tribal sovereignty is respected, and every American Indian and Alaskan Native who works hard has the chance to get ahead," he said.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder, travelling in Bismarck, North Dakota, said there is no denying that the recent progress has come in the shadow of decades of conflict and injustice when great wrongs were committed against Indian peoples, all too often in the name of the United States government.

"When the fundamental rights of American Indian and Alaska Native communities to shape their own destinies were far from assured.

When hostility, mistrust, and outright discrimination characterized the relationships between federal officials and tribal leaders," he said.

"And when misguided actions and broken promise after broken promise denied or abrogated the lands, languages, religions, and unique cultures that constitute the heritage and the birthright of every American Indian," Holder said.

Bill Clinton was the last U.S. president to visit a Indian Country in 1999. He went to Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota.
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Source: PTI