Now, download Indian Rupee font symbol for PC, Mac, Linux

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 19 July 2010, 14:57 IST
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Now, download Indian Rupee font symbol  for PC, Mac, Linux
Bangalore: The Indian Rupee Symbol has been finalized and typing the Indian Rupee symbol is not possible yet, because of its uniqueness and it not being part of the keyboard alphabets yet. Nevertheless, it is possible to download Indian Rupee Symbol wallpapers for desktop. These wallpapers can be downloaded and used on PC, Mac and Linux based desktops. However, to type the Indian Rupee symbol on the PC, can now do it by using the Indian Rupee font. First of all download the Indian Rupee Symbol and install it to your PC. There are enough guidelines provided to install in Linux and also for Windows and Mac. After the installation select the font and press the "" key on the keyboard to insert the rupee symbol into documents. Right now, the Indian Rupee Symbol will only be viewable on PCs which have the Indian Rupee font installed. It is also possible to create images of the symbol to use on websites.