Nokia Announced Mobile Health Initiative

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 26 September 2011, 23:23 IST
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New Delhi: Nokia India, in association with Arogya World, has announced a diabetes prevention mobile health initiative in India. With this Nokia aims to reach one million Nokia Life Tools consumers in rural and urban India in the next two years through text messages on diabetes awareness and prevention available in multiple languages. This initiative will use mobile phones as a vehicle to combat chronic non-communicable diseases like diabetes. As part of this initiative, Arogya World will offer free diabetes awareness and prevention content to consumers for six months to existing and new Nokia consumers in India who have Nokia Life Tools service on their phones. Messages will be delivered as text message alerts, twice a week, in 12 different languages commonly used in India. Once the initial program is over, the consumers will have the opportunity to opt-in to receive diabetes awareness and prevention messages at a nominal fee. "Mobile phones are ushering in an information revolution in the daily lives of millions, especially in the emerging markets. We are very pleased to partner with Arogya World and the other industry partners to take mobile Health services to the next level. We believe that by delivering targeted diabetes prevention messages to a profiled audience using our Nokia Life Tools platform, in a sustained and continuous engagement will encourage people to adopt a healthier lifestyle," says B.V. Natesh, Director, Emerging Market Services, Nokia India. This effort is also supported by a consortium of prominent organizations from multiple sectors in India and the US, including Emory University, Synovate, Biocon, LifeScan Inc.and Aetna. Nokia Healthcare services currently offer precautionary information on the following key areas: (i) Mother and child: Pregnancy advice and Childcare advice (ii) Health and fitness: Men's health and Women's health and (iii) Health topics: Respiratory health, Healthy heart and Diabetes.